These rules may be called the NPRASC EMPLOYEES CODE OF CONDUCT and shall apply to every person appointed by the Management.
- Principal, Teaching and Non-teaching staff.
Duty Consciousness:
Every employee shall at all times
- Maintain a high standard of integrity and devotion to duty
- Conform to and abide by the rules and regulations laid down from time to time
- Comply with and obey all lawful orders and directions of the authorities in the discharge of his official duties issued by any person or persons to whom he may be subordinate in the service of the college.
- Failure to obey the instructions given by the superior officers or to execute promptly the administrative responsibilities will constitute improper conduct and negligence of duty
- Every employee shall serve the College honestly and faithfully and shall endeavor his utmost to promote as well as safeguard its interests. He shall show courtesy to all be prompt in all transactions and not do anything unbecoming of a college employee