Conduct Rules

These rules may be called the NPRASC EMPLOYEES CODE OF CONDUCT and shall apply to every person appointed by the Management.


  • Principal, Teaching and Non-teaching staff.


  • An employee must always be in his seat except during lunch break or when his superiors call him for official work.
  • No employee shall convey to outsiders, the decisions of the college such as exam results, marks, rules passed exemptions given, nature of discussions and matters discussed in the committees, etc., until they are officially circulated or announced.
  • They are expected to maintain strict secrecy concerning confidential matters entrusted by the college.

Duty Consciousness:

Every employee shall at all times

  • Maintain a high standard of integrity and devotion to duty
  • Conform to and abide by the rules and regulations laid down from time to time
  • Comply with and obey all lawful orders and directions of the authorities in the discharge of his official duties issued by any person or persons to whom he may be subordinate in the service of the college.
  • Failure to obey the instructions given by the superior officers or to execute promptly the administrative responsibilities will constitute improper conduct and negligence of duty
  • Every employee shall serve the College honestly and faithfully and shall endeavor his utmost to promote as well as safeguard its interests. He shall show courtesy to all be prompt in all transactions and not do anything unbecoming of a college employee

Refraining From Seeking Favours From Firms Enjoying College Patronage:

  • No employee shall use his position or influence directly or indirectly to secure employment for any member of his family in any private business or firm with which the college has official dealings.

Dealing With Press or Radio or Television:

  • No employee shall except with the previous sanction of the college, own wholly or in part, or conduct or participate in the editing or management of any newspaper or other periodical publication.
  • No employee shall except with the previous sanction of the college or except in bonafide discharge of his duties.
  • Publish a book himself or through a publisher or by compilation of articles or editing a book.
  • Participate in a radio or television broadcast or contribute an article or write a letter to the newspaper or periodical either in his name or anonymously or pseudonymously or in the name of any other person except when such publication or radio or television broadcast or contribution or publication or public utterance shall not have the effect of an adverse criticism of any current or recent policy or action of the college
  • An employee of the college shall not except with the sanction of the college give evidence in connection with any inquiry conducted by any person, committee or authority other than the courts and police.

Collection of Funds:

  • No employee shall except with the previous sanction of the college raise funds or make collections in cash or kind for such specific purposes as approved by the college


  • No employee shall accept or permit any member of his family or any person acting on his behalf to accept any gifts of value.
  • However on occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, funerals or religious functions when the making of a gift conforms with the prevailing practice or in other cases under the laws, an employee may accept gifts from his near relatives or his personal friends.

Impartiality of Attitude and Outlook:

  • An employee shall be impartial in his attitude and outlook in the performance of his official duties and he should be objective in his approach.

No Claim of Special Privileges:

  • An employee shall not seek any special privileges on grounds of caste, creed, religion, race, or sex in his relationship with his colleagues to improve his prospects.


  • If any question arises relating to the interpretation of these rules it shall be referred to the management thereon shall be final.

College Rules


  • All candidates for admission should produce a +2 mark statement or degree certificate, transfer certificate and conduct certificate from the principal of the school or college last studied.
  • No candidate will be enrolled to attend any class until he/she has paid the full fee within the special period.


  • The Principal reserves the right to issue T.C to any student at any time in the academic year, thereby compelling him/her to leave the college for reasons of indiscipline or any other reasons which the principal may consider to be detrimental to the interest of the college if the student is allowed to continue.


  • COURSE FEE: Refer to the fee structure. Course fees fixed by the college should be paid at the time of admission and subsequently as per the fee schedule.
  • The fee as per the fee structure shall be paid immediately on the admission of the student.
  • DUE DATES: For semester courses, the semester/installment fee will have to be paid before the due dates.


  • Every student is expected to attend the classes regularly. Attendance will be taken every period. Absence without leave or prior permission for one hour will be treated as absence for the respective session.
  • Leave letters should be submitted to the principal and prior sanction should be obtained.
  • When absent due to sudden and foreseen circumstances, the application for leave shall be submitted on the date of joining. If the student is incapacitated due to serious illness, then the parent or guardian is expected to apply on his/her behalf.
  • In case of application for leave for more than 3 days on account of illness, a medical certificate from an authorized medical officer should be produced on the first day of his attending classes.

General Rules


  • Students must not enter any classroom other than their own without the special permission of the principal.
  • The conduct of the students in their classes as well as in the college premises should cause no disturbance to students to students of other classes.
  • Every student shall greet the teacher whenever he/she meets them during the day.
  • Irregularity in attendance, insubordination, discourtesy to staff members, habitual inattention and late-coming, neglect of work and obscenity in word or act are punishable by permanent or temporary dismissal or any other punishment given by the principal.
  • Only after obtaining prior permission, the student can enter the college office for any official transactions.

Class Hours:

  • If there is sufficient reason for being late, the lecturer of the class may permit the latecomer to attend the class

Building, Furniture:

  • Students are prohibited from defacing or damaging the building or furniture in any way in case of damage, the cost will be recovered from the student who has indulged in such activity. If the responsibility for it cannot be fixed on any individual or individuals, then the cost will be recovered from all the students in the class/college collectively.

Notice Board:

  • Students are expected to read notices, displayed on the college notice boards. Failure to read the information will not be accepted as an excuse for failing to comply with them.
  • Without the approval of the principal, any kind of notice will be displayed on the notice board or circulated among the students.


  • Students are forbidden to organize any meeting in the college or collect money for any purpose without permission from the principal.

Party / Communal / Religious Activities:

  • No student shall take part in any party/communal/religious or any public movement which the college authorities think is undesirable for students.

Smoking / Drugs Etc.:

  • Playing cards, smoking, and consuming liquor are strictly prohibited on the college campus. Students who are found playing cards, smoking, using drugs, or consuming liquor will be dismissed from the college, without any notice.

Bus Rules:

  • No student will be permitted to attend the college riding two-wheelers.
  • All-day scholars should use the college bus to attend the college.
  • Bus fares will be collected and the student is required to remit the bus fee along with the Semester fee.

Identity Card:

  • Every student should possess an identity card issued by the college which should be worn by the student inside the college premises. It should be produced whenever asked for, especially when dealing with the office, library and the canteen

Change of Address:

  • The change of address should be intimated immediately to the principal in writing.

Dress Code:

  • “Dress makes the man”. There is a prescribed dress code for boys and girls for all classes. The students should strictly follow the dress code

The Progress Report of Students:

  • Towards the end of every semester, a parent-teacher meeting is held on the day earmarked for this purpose in the college calendar.
  • A mentor who is in charge of the students maintains the records and ensures that the entries are regularly updated.
  • Parents meet the respective mentor with their wards and collect the progress reports of their wards.
  • The progress report contains details of students concerning attendance, CIA marks, and arrears of subject if any in the previous semester.
  • Counseling is done to both parents and students for better performance of their wards.

Hostel Fee Rules:

  • The student has to pay the hostel fee for the full semester
  • No partial payment of the fee will be entertained.
  • Once a boy/girl has been admitted to the hostel, he/she has to stay in the hostel during the entire period, except in extraordinary circumstances

Hostel Rules:

  • At the time of Admission, all students should submit two copies of their photo taken along with their parents/local guardians at the principal’s office.
  • The hostellers are not permitted to exchange the room with others. The management reserves the right to reallot or change his/her room without assigning any reason.
  • Parents are allowed to meet their wards only on Sundays. Parents or outsiders will not be allowed to enter the hostel premises.
  • However, if the occasion demands, parents will be allowed to meet the hostellers during day time, without causing any hindrance to their daily routine with permission from the principal.
  • Hostellers coming after vacation can have entry into the hostel only up to 6 pm or from 8 am the next day
  • The hostellers should take care of their belongings. The institution will not be responsible for any loss of property due to their negligence.
  • No day scholar shall enter the hostel premises. If found doing so, the occupant of the room will be heavily fined/suspended along with the day scholar at the discretion of the principal.
  • Hostellers, at the time of leaving the room, should ensure that the fans and lights are switched off.
  • Hostellers are expected to keep their rooms clean and neat. Pasting pictures or writing on the painted wall is prohibited. Undesirable reading materials and indecent pictures shall not be found in the possession of the hostellers. smoking, consuming liquor, drugs, and playing cards are strictly prohibited not only inside the hostel premises but also within the college campus.
  • Periodical/Surprise inspection of the rooms will be done by the college authorities. If any hosteller is found violating the rule, he/she will be dismissed from the hostel.
  • Ragging of any kind is prohibited. It is an offense by law.
  • During class hours no student shall stay in the hostel without the permission of the principal. The student who falls sick can contact the deputy warden who would arrange for a visit to the nearby hospital with which the college has a tie-up. The transportation facility for the same would be provided by the college.
  • The mess timings/ rules and dress regulations must be strictly followed. The timing will be displayed on the hostel notice board. Food from outside shall not be brought into the hostel/college premises by hostellers.
  • Silence is to be maintained in the hostel during study hours.
  • Each room is equipped with all basic comforts. The hosteller is instructed to handle the furniture and the other installations with care. If there is breakage or damage, the hosteller is liable to pay double the cost of the material damaged with installation charges. Collective fines will be imposed on the hostellers of the concerned wing if damage is caused to the installations in the common bathrooms, toilets, and recreation rooms.
  • The hostellers are prohibited from:
    • Unlawful assembly inside the hostel or the college
    • Forming any union
    • Collecting funds
    • Making any notification on the hostel notice board
    • Directly or indirectly taking part in any social or political gatherings
    • Performing any action that will amount to ragging.
  • Study hours: During study hours, the hostellers should be present only in their rooms. Students, who violate this rule and are found loitering in verandahs or outside the hostel, will be punished severely.
  • Once admitted into the hostel the hosteller cannot quit the hostel without the consent of the principal.
  • Every hostel is provided with a landline telephone to facilitate parents to contact their wards. Hence using cell phones inside the campus by students is strictly prohibited. If anybody is found in possession of a mobile, he will be severely punished.